нет,ну предупредив естественно а не внаглую ) учитывая то что тут никаких штрафов нет(зря имхо) за вход-выход... Большинство наверно правда что б лвл не палить игроков неразрешит,но если союзники и всё такое =))
Показано с 91 по 100 из 524
Тема: Гайд по улучшению вещей
06.09.2008 15:44 #91
17.09.2008 09:40 #92
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- 13.06.2008
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сколько я фиолета не скрафтил, ни одна пуха или шмот не светилась если:
не вставить минимум два камня в пуху 7+ лвл, или минимум два камня 5+лвл в шмот... это все давно выяснили и спорить на эту тему бесполезно...
у меня была светящаяся квестовая пуха, помоему на 20 лвл ее получил, кажись копье было...
НО, после последнего похода в 59 данж мне дропнулись дуальные клинки, фиолет, два слота для камней, так вот эти клинки светились синим цветом без всяких камней, получается так, что светятся квестовые пухи, данжевые и голдовые...воин 70+, орион... был
друль 50+, Процион... есть
17.09.2008 09:46 #93
нет светятся все пухи 3* т.е. фиолет.обрати внимание по миру очень много людей бегает с ними, а вот тебе ссылочка на то как и что светится http://pwonline.ru/forums/fredirect....%3BItemid%3D90 правда не на русском. но гугл могет перевести)))
17.09.2008 15:32 #94
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- 22.07.2008
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Не понял одно как из туманного камня сделать защиту не на урон а на магию?
17.09.2008 15:55 #95
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я вкурсе про эту ссылку, там и говорится, что требуется 2 камня 7лвл чтобы пуха засветилась... из всего множества фиолета, что я скрафтил, ни одна не светлась, возможно нехватало мощности лазерного луча))) возможно буду т светиться магические фиолетовые пухи, я их никогда не делал, поэтому за магов говорить не буду...
не совсем понял вопрос... а так если вставишь камень не в пуху, в а броню и будет маг защитавоин 70+, орион... был
друль 50+, Процион... есть
17.09.2008 16:03 #96
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- 17.09.2008
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Темная у тебя душа видно вот оружие и не светится.
А любое фиолетовое оружие, свечение имеет и данжевое и скрафченое и для магов и для войнов.
Я воин и у меня копье фиолетовое скрафченное светится
17.09.2008 16:17 #97
Товарищ, у кого не светится самоскрафченное фиолетовое оружие - вы случаем не путаете фиолет (три звезды) с синим (1-2 звезды)? Ибо многие путают. Кучу котов видел с надписью ФИОЛЕТ!!11 а внутри забито синим шмотом, и ни одного фиолета
Фиолетовые пухи светятся всегда. Это аксиома.
Вот фиолетовый шмот - не светится, чтоб светился, в него надо вставить 2 одинаковых камня от 5 грейда и выше.* Обормотень 94 * ex-Faith * [PW off]
17.09.2008 22:21 #98
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- 09.07.2007
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Тут вот нарыл. где лучше точиться на определенный "+" к предмету
The successful ratio to forge a "+1" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Land of Biting.
The successful ratio to forge a "+2" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Ancient Path of the Sealing Ice.
The successful ratio to forge a "+3" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Canyon of Avalanche.
The successful ratio to forge a "+3" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Myriad Ridge.
The successful ratio to forge a "+4" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Ancient Path of Haunting.
The successful ratio to forge a "+5" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of City of Misfortune.
The successful ratio to forge a "+6" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Ancient Great Wall.
The successful ratio to forge a "+8" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Residual Mountain.
The successful ratio to forge a "+7" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Foredawn Plain.
The successful ratio to forge a "+9" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Walled Stronghold.
The successful ratio to forge a "+10" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Mount of Lantern.
The successful ratio to forge a "+11" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Fire Bathing Village.
The successful ratio to forge a "+12" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Plain of Leaving.
The successful ratio to forge a "+3" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Hasten Plain.
The successful ratio to forge a "+4" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Town of Forwarding Wind.
The successful ratio to forge a "+5" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Shining Tide Woods.
The successful ratio to forge a "+6" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Dragon Wilderness.
The successful ratio to forge a "+7" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Silk Ridge.
The successful ratio to forge a "+8" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Vicinage Town.
The successful ratio to forge a "+9" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Hill of Scented.
The successful ratio to forge a "+10" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Sundown Highland.
The successful ratio to forge a "+11" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Source of Ebb Water.
The successful ratio to forge a "+12" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Hill of Ending Dragon.
The successful ratio to forge a "+3" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Unworried Path.
The successful ratio to forge a "+4" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Lake of Sky.
The successful ratio to forge a "+5" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Skyscrapping Cliff.
The successful ratio to forge a "+6" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Orchis Serene Valley.
The successful ratio to forge a "+7" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Peach Dock.
The successful ratio to forge a "+8" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Sea of Desert.
The successful ratio to forge a "+9" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Astound Ridge.
The successful ratio to forge a "+10" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Ancient King's Tripod.
The successful ratio to forge a "+11" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Swamp of Wraith.
The successful ratio to forge a "+12" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Haze Forest.
The successful ratio to forge a "+3" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Land of Buried Bones.
The successful ratio to forge a "+4" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of South Screen Mountain.
The successful ratio to forge a "+5" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of White Ridge.
The successful ratio to forge a "+6" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Black Mountain.
The successful ratio to forge a "+7" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Ridge of Dreaming Cloud.
21.09.2008 23:52 #99
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- 13.09.2008
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хм...У Алхимика есть только камни 5 лвл...как сделать из первых - четвертый ?
22.09.2008 08:49 #100
У торговца покупаешь камни 1 лвл и у алхимика жмешь "обновление....чего то там (2 строчка). И делаешь. 1 камень 2 лвл требует 3 камня 1лвл.1 камень 3 лвл требует 3 камня 2 лвл, 1 кам 4 лвл требует 3 камня 3 лвл.. Ясно надеюсь написала )) УГУ??