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Тема: Убийца и апгрейд 8 ранга
24.05.2012 22:19 #181
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- 14.10.2009
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25.05.2012 02:21 #182
25.05.2012 03:30 #183
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- 14.10.2009
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Пойду продовать свои Р8 НПС и буду ждать
25.05.2012 04:04 #184
26.05.2012 01:36 #185
Ссылка на китайскую базу как бы намекает...
26.05.2012 02:35 #186
в базе все что предусмотрено для версии 1 4 5 но это не говорит о том что все должно быть у всех обязательно.
гугл в помощь.
аддон imperial fury включает
- Lunar Glade & Warsong City changes:
Enemies are now significantly more difficult
There are also new optional bosses who will drop materials to upgrade your Ascended Rank 9 and Nirvana armor & weapons(exclusively for PWI version)
- Endless Universe changes:
The altar above Endless Universe now hosts the Advanced Endless Universe dungeon.
Awaiting inside are the 4 Emperors: Aohe, Chigo, Locen and Aurogon.
Players will have 6 opportunities to tackle this dungeon per week. Failure does not count against this number, but leaving the instance or completing the instance will.
Upon entering an Order's headquarters, players will now be tasked with a new questline to follow up on the Morai questline.
A new Phoenix Valley dungeon is available for players Lv100+.
- Bounty Hunter changes:
The Bounty Hunter Lv100+ quests have had 2 targets changed.
The Bounty Hunter Lv70+ quests now grant Fairy Box Keys.
Perfect Stones now stack to 9,999 and Guardian Scrolls stack to 99.
The Squad and Faction Signets are now useable in Morai.
The Morai Guide NPCs now have a new buff item to purchase for 1 mysterious chip and 10,000 coins.
The Morai Orders now offer items to allow multiple runs of various dungeons beyond their once per day limit. These items are Order-specific and cost Influence points.
The Aurora Agent awaits in Archosaur to convert your unwanted Tokens of Luck for prizes.
User Interface
There is a new UI for selection of targets when pressing Tab. Click the orange button near the player panel (top left) for more info.
PvP protections UI now has a checkbox to prevent receiving Neutral Blessings.
Various skills have had their cooldowns lowered.
New skillbooks are available from Advanced Endless Universe.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an exploit to drop bound-equipment/items
Fixed an exploit in a Public Quest
UI Screenshot mode at high resolutions with UI enabled is now disabled
Secret Passage is no longer PvP-enforced
Share the Stealth skill no longer gives players abnormally-high stealth levels
Bushy-tailed Venomancers no longer have see-through undergarments
Presets Standard 1, 3 & 5 for Venomancers at character creation now change their skin color to match their face color
So the changes to these dungeons are exclusive to PWI? What led up to this decision?
That’s correct, and there were two major reasons for it. First of all, our player-base is extremely passionate and vocal, and their desire for more end-game content is something that we’ve always been diligent about relaying to our developers. The second reason is of a more practical nature. Our players are simply further along than other regions’ players in terms of the power of their gear. Many of our players have reached the end of their tier-set, whether it’s Rank 9 or Nirvana gear – and players needed a new goal to strive towards.Последний раз редактировалось aerosteon; 26.05.2012 в 05:26.
29.05.2012 22:40 #187
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- 30.09.2009
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собственно по поводу регрейда возникает вопрос на счет ножей если верить базе https://pwonline.ru/forums/fredirect.p...Fitems%2F32270 есть доп Дальность +100~200 - 0.66%
+100~200 дальности пугают сины будут бить дальше чем луки с мораевским скилом100 нубо маг с тбз
29.05.2012 23:23 #188
30.05.2012 14:15 #189
30.05.2012 15:14 #190